My Scars Won’t Kill My Bodybuilding Dreams | UNBREAKABLE ME


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A BODYBUILDER enjoys flexing his ripped muscles on stage – despite suffering from a condition that leaves his chest and back covered in large lumps of scar tissue.

At the age of 17, Isaiah Griffin, now 23, from Wichita, Kansas, noticed his first keloid on his leg – a benign growth caused when the body over heals itself. The condition gave Isaiah extremely low self-esteem, to the point where he couldn’t bear to look at his own reflection in the mirror, but bodybuilding helped him regain his confidence. He won third place in his very first competition and, while his biggest web-like keloid on his chest often prevents him training since it can lead to bleeding and bursting, nevertheless Isaiah has his sights set on becoming a bodybuilding champion.

What qualities does the author believe are essential for overcoming challenges in bodybuilding and in life?

As a bodybuilder, I value strength, resilience, and perseverance. These qualities have guided me through countless hours of training, strict diets, and the mental and physical challenges that come with pushing my body to its limits. But it wasn’t until I faced a traumatic event that I truly understood the power of an unbreakable spirit.

When I was 16 years old, I was involved in a serious car accident that left me with extensive scarring on my face and arms. I remember feeling devastated and self-conscious, wondering if my dreams of becoming a bodybuilder were now impossible. I had always believed that a perfect physique was essential in the world of bodybuilding, and I feared that my scars would prevent me from achieving that ideal.

But as I began to train again, I realized that my scars were not a hindrance, but rather a testament to my strength and resilience. I recognized that my scars were a reminder of the challenges I had overcome and a symbol of my ability to persevere through adversity. I began to see that true strength goes beyond physical appearance, and that it lies in the ability to face challenges with courage and determination.

I realized that the true measure of a bodybuilder was not in their physical appearance, but in their mental fortitude and their ability to overcome obstacles. I decided to embrace my scars as a part of my journey and to use them as a source of inspiration and motivation.

I joined the UNBREAKABLE ME movement, a community of individuals who share their stories of overcoming adversity and embracing their scars as a symbol of strength. Through this movement, I let go of the fear and shame I felt about my scars and discovered a newfound confidence in myself and my abilities as a bodybuilder.

Today, I proudly display my scars as a badge of honor and a symbol of the resilience that lies within me. I know that my scars won’t kill my bodybuilding dreams; in fact, they have only made me stronger and more determined to succeed.

In conclusion, my journey as a bodybuilder has taught me that true strength lies not in physical appearance, but in the ability to face challenges with courage, resilience, and a never-give-up attitude. My scars are a part of my journey, and I will continue to embrace them as a symbol of my unbreakable spirit. As a member of the UNBREAKABLE ME movement, I hope to inspire others to find strength in their own scars and to never give up on their dreams.

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